Thursday, April 16, 2020

attention some nassau otb employees

TO ALL: Received a personal email that shed further light on political machinations that occur on Long Island. If any want to follow up with the author below on a personal basis, to either agree or refute, I will be a conduit for the hookup. The HRI comment section mission is to provide an open forum… 
“Mr. Pricci, your article about the political shenanigans behind Nassau Downs was a good start. Joe Cairo’s executive deputy is one John Tufarelli, who also serves as Village Trustee in the Village of Valley Stream.
“Tufarelli secured a job for Cairo’s attorney daughter as the counsel for the village’s Board of Zoning Appeals.
“Further, while countless Americans are losing their jobs, not just Tufarelli’s OTB subordinates, Tufarelli secured a high paying job for his son at the Town of Hempstead, along with two other connected patronage appointments. I have supporting documents if you are interested.
“Also, Cairo’s frequent business partner Butch Yamali, known for not paying municipalities for the contracts Cairo arranges for him, also has the refreshment concession contract for Nassau Downs. I’m pretty sure if you looked into that you would find Yamali is also not paying OTB.”

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