Tuesday, September 8, 2020

bikers for trump fill out nassau otb paperwork

To Our Valued Clients:
Over the last few months, there have been several rules and regulations surrounding the Paycheck Protection Loan Forgiveness program, including forgiveness requirements and the application process itself. There are many steps businesses applying for forgiveness must take to ensure compliance and accurate certification with the SBA. We understand how daunting this may be, and the burden this process places on you and your ability to focus on what matters most to you – running and growing your business. 
Toward that end, we are writing to announce the launch of our PPP Loan Forgiveness Services, which are designed to streamline the calculations necessary to file your application, substantiate the amount of your loan that qualifies for forgiveness, and provide secure, cloud-based storage for all of your necessary back-up documentation. 
...has acquired specific software that automates the necessary calculations and monitors your level of forgiveness in real time. We will provide you with detailed reports for multiple scenarios, allowing you to file your application when it is most beneficial to you with no guess work. When you are ready to file your application, we will provide you with SBA 3508 form as well as the supporting schedules and exhibits.
Additionally, all the back-up that you are required to maintain following your forgiveness will be stored on a separate, secure server, meaning you do not need to keep track of paper files or maintain records in multiple places. 

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