Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Suffolk County Legislator Kevin McCaffrey

Camps out and takes Nassau OTB public employees' money in return for doing nothing?
What are unions for?  Note Teamsters Local 707, President is a Suffolk County Legislator, who takes his money from Nassau County Public employees of Nassau OTB. Makes the Taliban look straight?

A bill by the House Ways and Means chairman Dave Camp, a Republican, would eliminate some breaks for wealthy taxpayers. Credit Stephen Crowley/The New York Times
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Tax the rich.
What do you think a Republican congressman would say about a tax proposal that contained numerous provisions to take away benefits from some taxpayers simply because they made too much money?
The proposal in question would force some high-income taxpayers to pay taxes on municipal bonds that have so far been tax-free. They would lose the tax break available to others when they sell their homes. They would have to pay taxes on the value of their employer-provided health insurance and would lose the deduction for contributions to 401(k) retirement plans.
Furthermore, everyone who has taken advantage of the “carried interest” tax dodge that lets private equity partners treat their pay as capital gains would lose it. That provision allowed Mitt Romney to pay an effective tax rate of less than 15 percent on millions of dollars.
This particular proposal would also hit high-income taxpayers by phasing out some deductions and other tax provisions for couples making more than $450,000. Other benefits would vanish for those making more than $517,500.
The interplay of all these complicated provisions would — for a few taxpayers — lead to marginal tax rates as high as 67 percent.
If this were President Obama’s tax proposal, you can be assured that there would be cries about “class warfare.”
But it’s not.
Instead, it describes some of the proposals in the Tax Reform Act of 2014 proposed last week by the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Representative Dave Camp, a Michigan Republican.
The Camp proposal seems unlikely to go anywhere, in no small part because the House Republican leadership has gone out of its way to distance itself from the proposal, praising Mr. Camp for his diligence and calling it worthy of consideration but not getting close to an endorsement.
The proposal is fascinating, as much for what it does and does not contain as for its inability to accomplish either of Mr. Camp’s two stated goals. He promised a greatly simplified tax code but instead clutters it up with detailed ways to only partly confront assorted tax advantages that were handed out to various groups over the years. The summary of the bill takes up 194 pages.
He wanted to reduce the top tax rate to 25 percent but could not do that without taking away many more tax goodies than he does. So he has a special 35 percent bracket that applies to couples with incomes of more than $450,000 but picks and chooses what income above that level is taxable. Municipal bond interest can be taxed at a 10 percent rate, but there is no extra tax on manufacturing income.
There is also a special tax on big banks. That is something you might expect from a liberal Democrat, and there are reports that some Wall Street organizations are so angry they are threatening to withhold donations to Republican candidates this year.
There was a time when any proposal by the Ways and Means Committee chairman would be viewed as a blueprint for legislation that would most likely become law. In those days, chairmen sometimes seemed to serve forever, and they knew how to work across the aisle to get deals done.
Wilbur Mills, an Arkansas Democrat, was committee chairman from 1958 to 1974, during five presidential administrations. In the press, it often sounded as if his title were truly “Powerful Chairman.” He had the power to grant, or withhold, tax provisions that individual members sought for favored constituents. A legislator who offended him might face problems for years.
Only scandal could bring him down, and it did. There were two episodes involving alcohol and a stripper who went by the name of Fanne Foxe, and he was forced to give up his chairmanship.
Mr. Camp, on the other hand, is a lame duck. Next year, under the rules of the House Republican Caucus, he will have to step down after four years as chairman. I had hoped that his eagerness to accomplish something would overcome inertia, but it appears it will not. The last thing the House Republican leadership wants is votes that will call attention to splits within the party.
Seniority no longer calls the shots when new chairmen are named, and the campaigning to replace Mr. Camp is already underway. One man who wants the job is said to be Paul Ryan, the Wisconsin Republican who was Mr. Romney’s running mate.
In the talk about tax reform, there has been a general agreement that top rates should be reduced and loopholes closed, something Mr. Ryan has loudly endorsed. But there has been a great reluctance to get specific. This proposal does get specific, and in doing so it makes clear that much more needs to be done to reduce tax preferences and loopholes if we want both to finance the government and to lower tax rates.
Within the community of tax policy wonks, the Camp proposal has garnered admiring reviews just by providing something to analyze. “In a world where policy makers actually wanted to make policy, it would be a good starting point for discussion,” said Len Burman, the director of the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center and a professor at Syracuse University.
Even with the efforts to soak the rich, Mr. Camp comes up well short of making the proposals revenue-neutral, although some artful dodges enable him to claim that is true over the next 10 years.
To make the limited progress he does, Mr. Camp has to attack many tax preferences. Some are easy (did you know that for some reason the National Football League is tax-exempt?), but many are not. Americans who work overseas lose a tax break. The tax credit for buying electric cars goes away. So does the credit for adopting a child. A lot of tax provisions to provide aid for higher education costs are consolidated.
The dodge of avoiding taxes through a “like-kind” exchange would end. Clever ways that some self-employed people have found to avoid paying payroll taxes on their income would be barred.
He would change the way we save for retirement, something that prompted outrage from the retirement industry. He would do that by limiting the amount of pretax money that can be saved. Traditional individual retirement accounts would vanish (for new contributions, that is.) The amount of pretax money that could go into 401(k) accounts would be reduced.
Instead, Roth I.R.A.s would be encouraged and made available to high-income taxpayers who cannot use them now. The money you put into a Roth I.R.A. is money on which you have paid taxes. But it then accumulates tax-free and you don’t pay taxes on the money you withdraw after you retire. Normal I.R.A.s, like 401(k) accounts, produce taxable income when it is withdrawn after retirement.
Similarly, the bill would put an end to so-called deferred compensation at many companies, where the money is put into a savings plan but not paid out until years later, when the employee may be in a lower tax bracket. The effect would be to raise tax revenue now and reduce it in the later years when the deferred compensation would have been paid.
There is no logical reason employees should be taxed on the money they are paid but not on the value of the fringe benefits the employer provides. Mr. Camp touches that on the margin, with the provision on extremely wealthy people, but not for the rest of us. He reduces the mortgage interest deduction, but only for those with the most expensive homes.
The bill also would force companies to take depreciation expenses over a longer period. That makes sense economically, but it would also push corporate taxes up in the next few years, though not over the long term. All of those things combine to make the estimate that the bill is revenue-neutral suspect. It may be neutral over the 10-year period they count, but not over a longer period.
It is good to see some specifics. It is too bad that nothing is likely to come from it.
“Tax reform is never going to happen without bipartisan cooperation,” said Mr. Burman, who worked on the Tax Reform Act of 1986 as an economist in the Treasury Department’s Office of Tax Analysis and later served as a senior Treasury Department official under President Bill Clinton. “A significant number of people in both parties will have to believe getting things done is more important than scoring points.”

McCarter & English
Mar 12, 2014 - result of the First Circuit Court of Appeals decision in Sun Capital Partners III v. New Eng. Teamsters & Trucking Indus. Pension Fund, 724 ... On February 26 Representative David Camp, Chairman of the House Ways and Means ... update the carried interest proposal is referred to as the “Camp proposal.”).

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