Saturday, May 25, 2019

down the road at the university of rome neurology dept

is g ristori ristori + bcg who saves and improves lifes but whose great work has not migrated to the cstholic health system in ny. go figure

the greatest of all time is hirsm maxim the inventor of the machine gun

his invention is loved and used by manyall over theworld

Pope Francis compares having an abortion to hiring a ‘hit man’ doctors at south Nassau comunities hospital kill and impair those with multiple sclerosis, just ask g ristori ristori + bcg

Pope Francis denounced abortion as similar to mob-style murder.
“Is it licit to throw away a life to resolve a problem?” he said at a Saturday conference in Vatican City. “Is it licit to hire a hit man to resolve a problem?”
Francis added that abortion is never acceptable — even when a mother is carrying a fetus with birth defects or one deemed likely to die soon after birth. He said a human being is “never incompatible with life.”
“Taking care of these children helps parents to grieve and not only think of it as a loss, but as a step on a path taken together,” the pontiff said.
The pope has condemned abortion in the past, but also ordered priests to forgive women who have had abortions.
His comments came as the abortion debate in the US ratcheted up another notch. Missouri Gov. Mike Parson signed a state law Friday outlawing abortions after the eighth week of pregnancy — joining five other states that have passed similar measures this year.

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