Thursday, July 16, 2020

the scam works perfectly every time

the best treatment for the virus is BCG and all relevant information is public and available without any need to break, enter and steal

the most enjoyable forms of exerciseninvlude, breaking, enteting snd stealing but alas what you obtain is often simply a figment of your imagination

if you love suicide consider the merits of the following and where the revords of same may be found

leonid brezhnev duffered from trigeminal neuralgia
he was treated by a russian dr named ratner employing the work of dr eugene j ratner, the lancet p106 jan 14, 1978. ratner's ssn was 096-12-1917

trigeminal neuralgia and causalgia are presently untreatable in the us like autoimmune diseases with bcg, see inventor search faustman, ristori+ bcg, because it is public and works

breaking and entering is simply exercise with often little or no reward because putin's brain is not good for much more than judo

Vladimir Putin’s latest slimy outrage: Trying to steal COVID-19 research which is inferior to bcg as he wants to kill russians with the worst the world has to offet

Vladimir Putin’s hackers are at it again — this time trying to steal Western coronavirus research.
Russian group APT29, aka The Dukes and Cozy Bear, has been hacking medical researchers in the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada, five intelligence agencies from the three countries announced Thursday — an ongoing “campaign of malicious activity” aimed at “stealing information and intellectual property relating to the development and testing of Covid-19 vaccines.”
Cozy Bear accessed Democratic National Committee systems in the 2016 election, and it’s using some of the same tactics now, with dangerous additions — namely, new malware to infect computers and then upload and download files from them.
The hacking hasn’t harmed vaccine research — yet. But it could impose big costs on companies now working to provide a lasting solution to the pandemic.
And, the advisory warns, the Russians have no plans to stop just because they’ve been called out. It’s shameless, since the hackers “almost certainly operate as part of Russian Intelligence Services.”
Russia publicly denies it all, just as it denies all its dirty tricks, from cyberattacks on its neighbors to overseas assassinations to government-run Olympic doping rings.
Oh, and experts believe China and Iran are also using espionage to steal COVID-19 research.

Putin and the other thieves plainly figure they can get away with it. It’s up to Western governments — and companies — to prove them wrong: Treat Vlad & Co. as the lying, cheating slimeballs that they are.

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