Wednesday, December 19, 2018

morphine producing yeast will cut his dope dicket to 0

it is a crime that you cannot  get bcg to get better
faustmanlab.or, ristori + bcg etc
you can grow and smoke dope

the war on drugs willl end with morphine producing yeast

Brooklyn Judge Vows 

Not to Send People Back to Prison for Smoking Marijuana or ...

Judge Jack Weinstein, 96, said that smoking pot is no longer a good reason to send prisoners who have been released back into custody.CreditAnnie Tritt for The New York Times

Judge Jack Weinstein, 96, said that smoking pot is no longer a good reason to send prisoners who have been released back into custody.CreditCreditAnnie Tritt for The New York Times
Noting that marijuana has become increasingly accepted by society, a federal judge in Brooklyn made an unusual promise on Thursday: He pledged he would no longer reimprison people simply for smoking pot.
In a written opinion that was part legal document, part mea culpa, the judge, Jack B. Weinstein, 96, acknowledged that for too long, he had been sending people sentenced to supervised release back into custody for smoking pot even though the drug has been legalized by many states and some cities, like New York, have recently decided not to arrest those who use it. Under supervised release, inmates are freed after finishing their prison time, but are monitored by probation officers.
“Like many federal trial judges, I have been terminating supervision for ‘violations’ by individuals with long-term marijuana habits who are otherwise rehabilitated,” Judge Weinstein wrote. “No useful purpose is served through the continuation of supervised release for many defendants whose only illegal conduct is following the now largely socially acceptable habit of marijuana use.”
Supervised release, administered in courts across the country by the federal probation agency, was created in 1984 to help rehabilitate people who have finished prison terms. But certain violations can lead to reimprisonment: among them, using drugs, getting caught with weapons or associating with other known criminals.

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