Thursday, February 28, 2019

eat shit texas

if you have clostridium   you might live
vancomycin will kill you

feeling sick call the babushka for a bacteria phage

have an auotimmune disease.  shoot bcg

these texas politicians are righ and erong at the same same

perhaps they need to go fondle their mschine guns at tein peaks more often?

Texas lawmaker says antibiotics should make vaccines optional

When it comes to public health, one of the biggest risks is elected officials having absolutely no idea what they’re talking about.
And that’s what’s happening right now in Texas. When speaking recently about the growing measles outbreak concern, Republican Bill Zedler, a Texas state representative, said he’s firmly against mandatory vaccination requirements.
As the Texas Observer reports, Zedler continued his anti-vaccination push by voicing his support for a new bill that would make it even easier for parents to opt out of mandatory vaccinations of their children.
And his reasoning is flawed, to say the least.
“They want to say people are dying of measles. Yeah, in third-world countries they’re dying of measles,” Zedler said, according to reports.
“Today, with antibiotics and that kind of stuff, they’re not dying in America.”
It’s admirable that Zedler has enough faith in modern medicine to believe that antibiotics fight the measles but unfortunately, it’s not true.
Antibiotics, by their very nature, fight bacterial infections, not viruses. Measles, a highly contagious virus with no cure, is easily prevented by vaccines that most people receive during childhood.
The measles vaccine is usually given as part of a battery of vaccinations that prevent illnesses like mumps and rubella and are effective in 97 percent of people.
Measles, which was once considered wiped out in the United States thanks to vaccination efforts, is now making a comeback, especially in states with lax vaccination laws.
The Texas Observer notes that both measles and mumps are popping up again in Texas as well, with mumps cases reaching an all-time high in 2017 and several confirmed measles cases already in 2019.

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