Monday, August 26, 2019

starbucks studies east coast scammers local 707

kevin mccaffrey suffolk county legislator kevin mccaffrey , same contract since 2008 , doing everything he can to kill nassau otb

if you bet starbucks, horses, or unionswith character consider the ny scam, but note that neither starcks nor local 707 has reminded workers or union members of their rights pursuantto. y rlection law sec 3-110

Local 710 Wraps Up Disappointing Negotiations with DPI while kevin mccaffrey continues to scam nassau otb employees. ask gargiulo tom or ryan about kevin mccaffrey while watching local 707 setup the employees of hudson news for the kill


Conservative Tom Gargiulo suspends campaign for Suffolk legislative seat

Tom Gargiulo has suspended his campaign for the
Tom Gargiulo has suspended his campaign for the Suffolk County Legislature's 14th District seat. Photo Credit: Ed Betz 
A Conservative Party candidate for the Suffolk County Legislature who lost his own party's ballot in last month's primary election has suspended his campaign, even though his name will stay on the Democratic ballot line in November.
Tom Gargiulo was designated as candidate for the 14th District as part of a Democratic-Conservative cross-endorsement deal to take on incumbent GOP Legis. Kevin McCaffrey, who had the minor party line in the past. McCaffrey waged a Conservative write-in campaign, winning the June 25 contest 186-146.
Gargiulo’s decision to suspend his campaign came to light after Rich Schaffer, the Suffolk County Democractic chairman, sent an email to party members last week announcing the cancellation of a $150-a-head Gargiulo fundraiser set for July 11 in Lindenhurst.
Schaffer said Gargiulo re-evaluated his campaign after the primary loss diminished his chances of winning on just the Democratic line. 
Gargiulo was upset about the harshness of the political attacks during the primary especially on the issue of abortion, which he opposes because of his Catholic faith.
“It really hurt, and it was hard for me,” said Gargiulo, a retired teacher who is active in church work. He said he plans to send a letter to Conservative voters to make clear his stand.
McCaffrey said he has “no regrets” about his campaign, adding that Gargiulo — by accepting the Democratic ballot line — “had to expect some of the splatter” from the party’s liberal stands on such issues as late-term abortion and voting rights for felons.     
“I never really wanted to campaign against Tom,” said McCaffrey, who has known Gargiulo for 30 years. “I’m just glad it came to this happy ending.”
He also said the move lets Democrats redirect resources to other tight races like the 8th District, where Republican aide Anthony Piccirillo also won his write-in bid against incumbent Legis. William Lindsay III (D-Oakdale).
Although he faces only token opposition, McCaffrey said he will keep knocking on doors.
“I may not out wear out another pair of shoes," he said, "but I’ll still be at the doors because that’s where you hear unfiltered what's on the minds of regular people.”
Gargiulo noted he also still has the Independence Party ballot line and he expects friends to vote for him.
“You never know,” he said.

Starbucks Distribution Teamsters Receive Insulting Offer from Employer

The bargaining committee for Teamsters Local 710 wrapped up negotiations yesterday with DPI Dedicated Logistics, whose members handle the delivery of products to Starbucks.
After several months of slow movement from the employer, the parties met briefly yesterday after DPI presented their final offer. 
Yesterday’s bargaining session was downright insulting. These dedicated Teamsters put up with extremely high demands and expectations from their employer at an operation that runs literally seven days a week, 365 days a year – even Christmas day. The employer’s offer was a slap in the face.
Teamsters Local 710 Representatives will be on site at all four DPI facilities throughout the next week to review all changes made to the contract and take a ratification vote, which will include a vote to strike.
“Obviously we are extremely disappointed by these turn of events,” said Secretary-Treasurer and Principal Officer Mike Cales. “The disrespect the employer has shown regarding the hard work and sacrifices of our members is appalling. Our members at DPI have the full support of the Local, and we will stand with them 100%.”
Local 710 represents nearly 250 drivers, warehouse workers and helpers who work out of four locations that service more than 900 Starbucks coffee shops in the Chicagoland, Indianapolis, Minneapolis, and St. Louis areas.

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