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Understanding The Central States Pension Plan's Tale Of Woe
First, a brief item of news: the Joint Committee which was to have reported on its recommendations with respect to the troubles of multi-employer pensions, has instead reported that they will miss the deadline, but are continuing to work on solutions. No one is surprised by this announcement, as there is no solution to this crisis that won't cause a lot of pain -- the only question is how that pain is to be shared among employers, workers, retirees, and the federal government.
While we continue to wait for the outcome of their deliberations, here's a follow-up to last week's article on the topic. Readers will recall that I compared Dutch legislation, with its strict demands that plans be overfunded, to American plans which, until comparatively recently were effectively prevented from building up funding reserves to be prepared for future losses.
There is one plan, however, whose pension plan underfunding woes dwarf all others, and whose story needs to be told separately, and that's the Central States Teamsters Plan. This plan has 400,000 participants, and is funded at either a 38% level ("accrued liability", with a higher interest rate) or 28% ("current liability" - a lower rate), according to their most recent plan filings, with a total liability of $41 billion or $56 billion, depending on the interest rate, and assets of only about $15 billion. The plan is expected to be insolvent in 2025 if no actions are taken to remedy the situation. No other plan comes close to this level of shortfall, at least in terms of the absolute level of underfunding.
So how did this plan get into so much trouble?
Unlike other plans, the Teamsters plan did not find itself in a position of being overfunded, promising greater benefits as a result, then struggling in the face of market downturns.
Instead, in the short term, there are two villains.
As chronicled by Jasmine Ye Han at Bloomberg back in August, Central States (or the Central States, Southeast and Southwest Areas Pension Fund, to cite its full name), one cause was the deregulation of the trucking industry:
When Congress passed a law in 1980 that led to the deregulation of the trucking industry, it caused tens of thousands of trucking companies to go out of business. By 2003, Central States lost 70 percent of the employers that contributed in 1980.“If you look at the top 50 employers in 1980, now only three of them still exist (in the plan),” Tom Nyhan, executive director of the Central States fund, told Bloomberg Law.
This hit Central States particularly hard, as Ye Han notes, because its plan was limited to the trucking industry. In contrast, the Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Plan, though likewise a Teamsters plan, was structured differently.
Trucking deregulation didn’t hit the Western Conference the same way because it had a more diverse employer base, said Chuck Mack, the plan’s co-chair.“We have been structured as a plan that would open to any employer who wants to come in. As a result we have food processing workers, public employees, bus drivers, etc.,” he said. “If employers can only contribute 50 cents an hour (per worker) not $5, they can do that. That makes a difference in employers accepting the plan.”The Western Conference plan’s largest contributing employers include United Parcel Service Inc., Costco Wholesale Group, Albertsons Cos Inc., and Allied Waste.
The second big hit that Central States took was that UPS exited the plan in 2007. This means that they ceased making pension contributions for UPS employees who were Teamster members, and began providing for their pensions by themselves. Whenever a participating company leaves a multi-employer pension plan, it must pay into the fund what's called "withdrawal liability" as a means of compensating for underfunding in the plan. However, UPS withdrew in 2007, with a hurried contract ratification with the Teamsters enabling them to avoid changes to multi-employer plans coming into effect in 2008. Because the withdrawal liability payment required under legislation at the time did not fully compensate the plan for the losses it would experience, this and other withdrawals brought about further decreases in pension funding.
But here's what's important to understand:
In principle, neither of these factors should have caused the problems that they did. Had the plan been well-run and properly funded, and had principles of multi-employer plan design and the relevant legislation been designed to ensure long-term solvency rather than relying on new generations of contributors to make up for losses, Central States would have weathered these storms.
But Central States was missing all this. Like all plans, they were stymied by legislation designed for ongoing plans. They had flaws in their plan design. And they were neither well-run nor properly funded.
To begin with, in my prior article, I wrote that during boom years, plans were unable to overfund their pension plans due to a tax code that imposed excise taxes on plans which continued to contribute despite overfunding. But Central States was never able to over-fund and has never been more than 75% funded even at its peak, with its periods of relatively-better funding in the late 90s/early 2000s and in 2008. In 1982, when control over its assets was moved to a government-mandated asset manager, the plan was less than 40% funded, about the same as it is today (when using the same method). Those professional money managers have been accused of mismanaging the assets under their control, for instance, in 2016 at MarketWatch, in a column by Elliot Blair Smith:
Unable to reverse a decades-long outflow of benefits payments over pension contributions, the professional money managers placed big bets on stocks and non-traditional investments between 2005 and 2008, with catastrophic consequences.
However, the GAO analyzed the investment returns and expenses of the fund during that period to respond to those accusations in a June 2018 report. Its conclusion:
GAO found that CSPF's investment returns and expenses were generally in line with similarly sized institutional investors and with demographically similar multiemployer pension plans.
And why was the plan not permitted to manage its own money? The "original sin" of the Central States plan was corruption and organized crime. Here's Carl F. Horowitz writing at Capital Research Center:
The Central States Pension Fund still bears the scars from those Mob days, even though the link between the two worlds formally ended long ago. In 1982, following a federal investigation, the Teamsters entered into a consent decree with the Justice Department to cede control of its retirement funds to a consortium of banks. The arrangement remains in force. Unfortunately, it has not been sufficient to stave off another looming disaster.
Horowitz provides details on the Mafia corruption in the days when the Teamsters were run by Jimmy Hoffa and the Central States plan by Allen Dorfman, and references a report by Jonathan Kwitny of the Wall Street Journal on July 22, 1975, which, along with follow-up articles on the 23rd and 24th, make for fascinating reading. In 1972, the plan's assets were nearly completely (89%) invested in real estate loans -- and not just office buildings or apartment buildings but cemeteries, motels, bowling alleys, and the like, and a good third of them were delinquent (the WSJ is careful to report the assets as "declared assets"). But these weren't just any loans. As detailed on July 23, there were loans made to known figures of the Detroit and Chicago Mafia such as Michael Santo (Big Mike) Polizzi, Louis (Lou the Tailor) Rosanova, and Andrew Lococo. The fund invested $116.7 million into a 16,000 land development project in California, which failed, and $200 million ($1.2 billion, adjusted for inflation) in Nevada casinos, where convicted criminals were involved as brokers, developers, or in other ways. And as detailed on July 24, the federal government pursued convictions against Dorfman and a host of other figures for conspiracy to defraud the Central States plan in connection with a particular series of loans. There were a series of twists and turns, and limits in evidence the government was able to present, but in the end, the men were acquitted because, in part, according to interviews with the jurors, the pension fund, as represented by its trustees, didn't consider itself to have been victimized, with one juror's quote wrapping up the series:
For fraud to exist, the person being defrauded must be somewhat naïve. These pension board members weren't that naïve.
What's more, at the time, the plan was still taking in far more in contributions than it was paying out in benefits, $283.2 million vs. $175.2 million -- but one way in which it managed to do so, in addition to simply being a young plan at the time, was by putting roadblocks in front of workers trying to collect their pensions. The WSJdidn't have hard statistics, only reports and records from lawsuits, but cited instances in which workers were required to prove (via pay stubs or other records) not only that they were dues-paying members of eligible unions with participating employers, but also that their employer made the contributions they were supposed to have made.
Finally, to return to Ye Han's analysis, the Western Conference Teamsters plan had a provision that allowed its trustees to adjust its pension accruals as needed based on pension funding levels. Central States had no such provision. In fact, its pension accrual formula is in itself enough to give actuaries nightmares, though it's not unusual for a multi-employer plan: for the bulk of its employees, from the 1980s to 2003, a participant accrued benefits at the rate of 2% of the employer contributions on his behalf. Since in the real world, the amount of benefit a pension plan can provide for its participants depends on asset returns, mortality levels, termination rates, and other variable assumptions, a fixed provision such as this is a recipe for disaster. (In the following years, the union and participating employers negotiated both a change in formula and supplemental contributions.)
So could Central States have managed to stay solvent, even financially healthy, had it not been beset by corruption and by a faulty benefit formula? The plan -- as with all such plans, because of the laws governing these plans -- still lacked a crucial element that's the norm in the Dutch equivalent to multi-employer plans, the ability to adjust benefits as needed as soon as it becomes clear that the existing benefit formulas are unsustainable, rather than waiting until the plan's solvency is at stake or hoping that funding deficits can be made up for with favorable investment returns or larger contributions from the next generation.
And all of this is not to say that we can simply pin the blame for the plan's problems on the workers or retirees who expect benefits from the plan, or from their employers, to the extent they still exist, or on Jimmy Hoffa and Allen Dorfman, and walk away from it. The solutions to the multiemployer crisis can't simply be found by assigning blame.
But irrespective of the solutions to this crisis, it's important to understand what happened to this plan in order to address the question of whether multiemployer plans are inevitably destined to fail or whether, had they been better designed, had the relevant legislation from Taft-Hartley to ERISA and beyond been more effective at ensuring their long-term sustainability, and had, in this case, the government been better able to put a stop to corruption, they might still serve a useful role in providing for workers' retirement benefits. And this I still believe to be true -- or, at least, I'm not ruling it out.
What do you think? You're invited to comment at JaneTheActuary.com.
(Postscript: if you're a participant in a Multi-Employer Plan, either one that's doing poorly or one that's doing well, I'd also love to hear from you at the JaneTheActuary.com website! Do you feel cheated by your plan, or by the government, or neither?)
You're invited to read the other articles in this series. The full set (so far):
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