Wednesday, June 15, 2016

degrees of artogance snd disregard for human life

if you suufer from an autoimmune disease you should have access to bcg as easily as people have access to sex for money, fentany, heroin, and metformin which kills cancer cells

a governor and an an md are often  dimply species of  arrogant privks. one is dluuting for cash and votes and the other is dimply a pompous ass


What is worth murdering for?

eugene j ratner social security number 096-12-1917 did tell a tale of a dancer named dwight wilson
a martial artist and korean war veteran who killed efficiently but when ordered to train others to be like him responded by discusding the matter with his commanding officer with a knife at his throat.

wilson's siblings did end up incarcersted for murder snd other non sanctioned activities.

Ratner like many humans told the truth some of the time.  i am interested in whether this tale is more fact ir fiction.

dwight wilson ran a fojo in upper manhattan.

Does anyone know of someone who matches this figure of ratner tsle.

Ratner is the author of the lancet p106 jan 14 , 1978which describes tbe treatment of tbe cause of causalgia.

sadly mark altschule md of harvard who witnesses the operation described in the lancet was prescient when he said ratner would not live long enough to see his work adopted and widely accepted

msy the day of morphine producing yeast soon be upon us to give people the choice to do as they wish ir need

is there a you tube video of a colon cancer patient dieing in agony for lack of effective treatment eg aspirin a d metformin or from lack of drug sufficient to negate the pain?SYNTHESIZE FENTANYL DERIVATIVES ONE AFTER THE OTHER WITH THE GOAL OF DETERMING WHICH IS STRONGEST WHEN COMPARED TO HEROIN.

i wonder if obama had pondered the dude in florida working for con edison and detonating a gas main in manhattan?

murder the sport that mankind seems will never tire of?

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