Wednesday, July 6, 2016

dear upstate beer hounds crack a cold one or dozen

while you rewd ny const art 1 sec 3
kevin mcaffrey is a biggot and affront to all new yorkers who bet horses and believe in the frredom to do as you please
Nassau otb  a public benefit corporation cannot close on roman catholic easter sunday in preference to eastern orthododox easter sunday. when tracks are running anywhere in the us are running nassau otb must be open to take bettors bets. workers are free to work or not as they wish.  think of the new york lottery.

kevin mcaffrey sucks ip the money of workers only because a higher authority told scalia to drop dead

come talk to nassau otb employeees about kevin mccaffrey

you can talk to jojn kelder too as you wish

your pension endeded up as is because of mccaffrey's breach of his duties, indide dealings, promises that were made that were unreasonsble, the list of possibilities is endless

do not forget that joseph g cairo did speak at a teamsters union meeting and tell members in essence, kevin is my boy

have another beer or dozen


I was proud to speak at the Teamsters Convention in Las Vegas in front of 7,000 Delegates, Alternates and Guests. I spoke about the importance of Teamsters becoming involved in running for elected office. I also had the chance to thank Teamsters from all over the Country for supporting my election.
Gary Quinn, Gregory Atherton, Sara Jane Macy Fusco and 66 others like this.
Peter Havel
Peter Havel Very important to stress that the Teamsters are the most productive in the industry. That is how can we compete with ODFL, Fedex, and XPO in this present economy.
Kevin Brudie
Kevin Brudie Save our pensions Kevin
Scott Keicher
Scott Keicher Wow, that's not easy !! Your proud,, I'm proud of ya !!!
Lindsay C. Depew III
Lindsay C. Depew III Your a good man Kevin
Larry Gruttemeyer
Larry Gruttemeyer You're excused

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