Friday, July 10, 2015

Boston land of death in many two forms

1. Pressure cooker kid a man of action, reprehensible
2 Peter slavin , a man who has done nothing to se that Bcg is easily available to all in need in Boston, the state of ma and the united states.

Bostonians with autoimmune diseases are being physically degraded by the lack of availability
Of Bcg in Boston.

Bcg works well. I am looking for help in documenting same on you tube.

Many people will die and be needlessly degraded while faustman dances with the FDA

Shoot Bcg and live better

  • Contact - Clark+Elbing
    Contact. Clark+Elbing LLP 101 Federal Street, 15th Floor Boston, MA 02110- 1800. T: 617-428-0200. F: 617-428-7045 If you would like to ...

  • Peter L. Slavin, MDPeter L. Slavin, MD
    President, Massachusetts General Hospital
    Peter L. Slavin, MD, has been the president of Massachusetts General Hospital since 2003. From 1999–2002, he served as chairman and chief executive officer of the Massachusetts General Physicians Organization, which included more than 1,700 physicians and employed nearly 1,000 of them.
    From 1997–1999, Dr. Slavin served as president of Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, MO. Before that, he did his training in internal medicine at Mass General from 1984–1987 and was senior vice president and chief medical officer from 1994–1997.
    Dr. Slavin graduated from Harvard College in 1979, Harvard Medical School in 1984 and Harvard Business School in 1990.
    Dr. Slavin teaches internal medicine and health care management at Harvard Medical School, where he is a professor of health care policy. He lectures widely on topics including quality and utilization management, the economics of teaching hospitals and the state of physician practices.

    Todd Armstrong - Clark+Elbing

    United States Patent8,697,077
    FaustmanApril 15, 2014

    Methods and compositions for treating autoimmune diseases 

    The invention features methods for increasing or maintaining the number of functional cells of a predetermined type, for example, insulin producing cells of the pancreas, blood cells, spleen cells, brain cells, heart cells, vascular tissue cells, cells of the bile duct, or skin cells, in a mammal (e.g., a human patient) that has injured or damaged cells of the predetermined type.

    Inventors:Faustman; Denise L. (Boston, MA)

    Faustman; Denise L.



    Assignee:The General Hospital Corporation (Boston, MA) 
    Family ID:30002891
    Appl. No.:13/462,160
    Filed:May 2, 2012

    Prior Publication Data

    Document IdentifierPublication Date
    US 20120213731 A1Aug 23, 2012

    Related U.S. Patent Documents

    Application NumberFiling DatePatent NumberIssue Date
    12632452Dec 7, 20098173129
    10358664Feb 5, 20037628988
    60392687Jun 27, 2002

    Current U.S. Class:424/139.1; 424/142.1; 424/154.1; 424/577
    Current CPC Class:A61K 35/26 (20130101); A61K 39/04 (20130101); A61K 35/39 (20130101); A61K 35/44 (20130101); A61K 38/1866 (20130101); A61K 38/191 (20130101); A61K 35/28 (20130101); A61K 35/30 (20130101); A61K 38/1774 (20130101); A61K 35/28 (20130101); A61K 35/44 (20130101); A61K 38/191 (20130101); A61K 38/1866 (20130101); A61K 35/39 (20130101); A61K 35/26 (20130101); A61K 38/1774 (20130101); A61K 2300/00 (20130101); A61K 2300/00 (20130101); A61K 2300/00 (20130101); A61K 2300/00 (20130101); A61K 2300/00 (20130101); A61K 2300/00 (20130101); A61K 2300/00 (20130101)
    Current International Class:A61K 35/26 (20060101); A61K 35/28 (20060101); A61K 39/40 (20060101); A61K 39/395 (20060101)

    References Cited [Referenced By]

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    Registered to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Admitted to the bar in Massachusetts. Todd Armstrong has been at Clark+Elbing since 2001.

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